Salary Pulse Security

We know the importance of keeping your data safe. Here is a summary of what we do to guarantee that your data is safe with us and that we apply best security practices:

Cloud Security

Our cloud infrastructure provider provides security and compliance controls both for cloud infrastructure and physical data centers.

Network Security

Our services and infrastructure use 256-bit AES encryption. The data is encrypted both in-transit and at-rest.

Data Security

All data is hosted within our Virtual Private Cloud. Servers are protected by security groups that do not allow connections from untrusted sources.

Data Encryption

  • User personal data is always transferred and stored in encrypted form (encryption in transit and at rest).
  • All data communications to client instances are protected with state-of-the-art 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS).
  • All internal data communications between our servers are also protected with state-of-the-art encryption (SSH).
  • Our servers are kept under a strict security watch, and always patched against the latest SSL vulnerabilities, enjoying Grade A SSL ratings at all times.
  • All our SSL certificates use robust 2048-bit modulus with full SHA-2 certificates chains.
  • All customer data (database content and stored files) is encrypted at rest, both in production and in backups (AES-256)

Password Security

User passwords are hashed and thus protected. Our staff does not have access to your password, and cannot retrieve it for you, the only option if you lose it is to reset it.

Login credentials are always transmitted securely over HTTPS.


Backups are done on a daily basis and on a weekly basis. Backups contain encrypted data and are stored on a separate infrastructure.

Penetration tests

We perform penetration tests every 2 years and those are done by Seif.