Terms And Conditions

Date of last change: 18.05.2024.


1. Information about us

Welcome to Salary Pulse. By reading these Terms and Conditions you will learn about the rights and obligations related to your use of the Salary Pulse platform (hereinafter: "Platform"), located on the website https://www.salarypulse.rs. These Terms and Conditions are a binding contract between you and Joberty Technologies doo (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), Veljka Dugoševića 54, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Company ID: 21504769, VAT: 111575925, registered in the Agency for Private Registry of the Republic of Serbia, contact: salarypulse@joberty.com +381 60 4567 132. Joberty enables the use of the Platform, in the manner and under the conditions described in these Terms and Conditions.

2. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By visiting and creating an account on the Platform, you confirm that you are familiar with and you agree with the Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, form an integral part of the Platform and represent the provisions of the contract concluded between: 1. Joberty Technologies doo and 2. Each individual user of the Salary Pulse platform (hereinafter referred to as the "User").

3. Complaints

All questions, complaints or requests for information regarding the Platform service and these Terms and Conditions can be sent to the Company at the above-mentioned headquarters address, at the phone number: +381 60 4567 132 or at the email address: salarypulse@joberty.com. Within eight (8) days from the date of receipt of the complaint or request, the Company will respond to you, recipient of the service, to the complaint or to the request for information about the service.

4. Terms and Conditions updates

We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions by posting the new version to this page and, where appropriate, by notifying you of such change via email. Every time you wish to use our Platform, please check these terms to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. You can review the current version of the Terms and Conditions which apply to your use of the Platform at any time on this page. If you disagree with the terms described here, you can always revoke your acceptance by deleting your account. Unfortunately you won't be able to use our service in that case.


Salary Pulse allows users to benchmark employees' salaries against IT industry standards. The platform is intended for the exchange of information about the compensation packages in the IT industry in Serbia for different job titles, industries, seniority levels, locations etc. Using this information users can level out employees' salaries and benefits and keep the competitive position on the market. The content of the Platform consists of its own content and content inserted by users. The use of the Platform is subject to different Pricing options and paid invoice is a pre-requisite for getting the access to the Platform.


The Company undertakes to provide you with the services defined in these Terms and Conditions, in the manner described in these Terms and Conditions, and in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia. Each access to the contents of the Platform is subject to these Terms and Conditions. You undertake to comply with these Terms and Conditions when using the Platform.

The contracting parties agree that in order to fulfill the aforementioned obligations, it is necessary for the Company to collect, process and store your personal data and your employees' data in accordance with the Privacy Policy, and the applicable laws and regulations.

The Company`'s business through this Platform is primarily regulated by the Law on Electronic Commerce, the Law on Obligations, the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the Law on Trademarks, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as other regulations of the Republic of Serbia. The Platform is of an informative nature and does not represent professional consulting service, nor does the Company provide any other services on the Platform, except for the information service.

The platform contains sensitive data about users and users' employees provided by the user and therefore Company is not responsible for its content nor does guarantee or assume responsibility for any harmful or incorrect content.

The Company reserves the right to modify and terminate any content, element or service of the Platform, without the obligation of any prior approval or notification.

The company does not influence the content posted by users. The company does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented through the available content. The users who posted the content or from whom it was uploaded are solely responsible for the content. The company has the right to remove any content from the Platform at any time, without the obligation of prior or subsequent notification or explanation.

1. Users and registration

Users of Platform services are considered to be: 1. Visitors, 2. Registered users (individuals). A visitor is a person who accesses the Platform without logging in or registering. Registered users are companies' representatives that register and log in on the Platform. The use of the Platform for visitors is free of charge, while the use for registered users is subject to charge, according to Pricing.

Users must be 18 years or older to use the Platform. In registering, Users agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information about themselves (“Registration Data”) and update it as necessary. If Company has reason to believe that Registration Data is inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, Company may suspend or terminate account. Users agree that they will not: (a) create an account using a false identity or information that is not their own; (b) have more than one account; (c) create an account or use the Services if they have been previously removed from the Services; or (d) allow other individuals access to their account. You may not transfer your account to anyone else without our prior written permission. Company reserves the right to accept or reject User registration to use Services, as well as suspend or terminate User account for any reason, or no reason at all.

During registration, users provide their personal data and register their email address representing their username, create a password and accept these Terms and Conditions and confirm that they have read and understood its content. The user is responsible for the secrecy and safekeeping of the password.

If the user believes that there has been abuse and unauthorized use of the user`'s account, User is obliged to inform the Company about it. The registered User can delete his/hers user account at any time, without the obligation of any explanation or notification.

2. User's creation of content

Registered users can access general salary information in the IT industry or can see benchmark of their employees on an individual level, depending on the chosen pricing option.

All content and information left by Users on the Platform must be true and accurate. Responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of the entered content rests exclusively with the Users who entered the same content. The registered User unconditionally and irrevocably authorizes the Company to remove the content without prior or subsequent notification or explanation. By inserting and/or uploading salaries information by registered Users on the Platform, the User is aware and agrees that such content, under the conditions and in the manner regulated in these Terms of Use, becomes visible and available to all Users of the Platform services. The company reserves the right to remove User content posted in the case of detected anomalies and without prior or subsequent notification or explanation. The company will provide support to users regarding the protection of personal and privacy rights to all persons who are the holders of those rights, as well as to those persons whose rights have been violated, based on a written request and appropriate documentation, and all in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Serbia.

Any use of the Platform that is contrary to these Terms and Conditions is considered a violation of the Terms and Conditions and abuse of the services provided by the Company.

3. Unauthorized activities

The Company has the right to monitor and track all user activities on the Platform. If it notices any illegal activity or violation of these Terms and Conditions, it may take any technical or legal action it deems appropriate. In addition to the above, illegal activities on the Platform are:

  • Activities of sharing content from the Platform with anyone who is not platform's authorized user
  • Activities of publicly commenting or displaying content from the Platform
  • Searching for personal data, information or passwords for obtaining unauthorized access to the Platform
  • Activities of collecting or storing data and information about other users and their content on the Platform without their consent.
  • Misuse of access data of other users.
  • Activities that violate the privacy of other people.
  • Activities of a commercial nature without the consent of the Company.
  • Activities that are criminal in nature or promote such activities.
  • Misuse of content that is protected by copyright or other rights.
  • Activities that include the use of viruses, worms, bots, harmful software or other techniques and tools that may negatively affect the functioning of the Platform.


The Company has exclusive copyright and intellectual property rights on the Platform, including all individual elements: text, audio and video content, visual identity, program code, databases and other elements of the Platform where the Company is the author, unless otherwise determined by the Terms of Use. Any unauthorized use of the Platform or any of its elements without the written consent of the Company as the exclusive copyright holder, is considered a violation of the Company's copyright.

The Platform may also contain elements on which exclusive copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights are held by other persons, who have sole responsibility for the content on which they are the holders of those rights, regardless of the fact that the content is on the Company's Platform. The Company has sole responsibility only for the content on which it holds the copyright.

The User agrees that by posting content on the Platform it becomes visible and available to other users in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The user bears sole responsibility for content posted on the Platform.


Users use the Platform at their own risk. The user accepts that the Company is not responsible for the activities of other users, thus the risk of potential damage is borne by those persons.

All content and information left by users on the Platform must be true and accurate. Responsibility for the truthfulness and accuracy of the entered content rests exclusively with the users who entered the same content. The company does not guarantee the truthfulness and accuracy of content created by users. The only information the Company is responsible for are the calculations and its accuracy based on the content provided by users. You agree that you will not claim damages from the Company for which a request or claim has been made by third parties, and which damage results from your intentional or grossly negligent actions as a result of using the Service, violating the provisions of these Terms of Use, using or unauthorized use of personal data or by violating the rights of third parties. The Company makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the services it provides on the Platform and all its functionalities are available at all times, in accordance with these Terms of Use. As a result of force majeure, technical problems or system maintenance, the Platform may be temporarily unavailable or available to a limited extent. The Company is not responsible for any possible consequences resulting from the unavailability of the service or any part of it due to any technical reasons, including, among others, interruption of the Internet connection or malfunction of the User's software and/or hardware equipment. The company does not provide any guarantees (guarantees) nor is it responsible for any possible defects of the service and/or its part, that the service and/or any functionality of the service will not contain errors that could cause damage to the User or third parties, especially if they are used contrary to these Terms of Use.


You can terminate the user relationship at any time by closing/deleting your user account in the Settings section of your profile. In this case, all your data will be deleted in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The Company has the right to terminate this contract, especially if the User repeatedly seriously violates the provisions of these Terms of Use, i.e. if, despite a justified warning about the violation of these Terms of Use, the User violates these Terms of Use at least once more in the same way within 6 months of receiving the warning.


The valid regulations of the Republic of Serbia, apply to everything that is not regulated by these Terms and Conditions. In the event of a dispute, the Company and the user undertake to try to resolve the dispute amicably, and if they fail to do so, they can resolve the dispute through the courts in the competent court in Belgrade, Serbia.

The company reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions, whereby the new version will be published on the Platform and can be sent to registered users by email.

These Terms and Conditions shall come into force on the date of posting on the Platform.